Unless food is mixed with saliva you can't taste it.

wpid 1185086 522149111189916 1936287034 n 2 You cant taste food unless it mixed with saliva.A person cannot taste food unless it is mixed with
saliva. This is due to chemo-receptors in your tongue’s taste buds
that need a liquid medium so that the flavors bind into the
receptor molecules.
For example, if strong-tasting substance like
salt is placed on a dry tongue, the taste buds will not
be able to taste it. As soon as a drop of saliva is
added and the salt, however a definite
taste sensation results. This is true for all foods. Try
Saliva contains an enzyme called amylase that acts on
sugars and other carbs, hence the different taste.
Your sense of smell is also linked with your sense of
taste. Moisture is also required to smell molecules. 
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